Watch this space for information on rehearsals and concerts, call times, playlists, uniforms and other general information of interest to members. Check back often for changes and further information as the dates approach.
Cowichan Valley Concert Band Guiding Principles
Membership: The Cowichan Valley Concert Band is a predominately adult group of capable musicians. However a limited number of mature and high-performing youth will be included.
Application/Acceptance: Musicians wishing to join the group will be welcome to attend a few (2 or 3) regular practices on a tryout basis to see if the Band is a good fit for them, then will meet privately with the Director and Section Leader to talk about how they are feeling and their experiences to date. Assuming they are enjoying the experience and finding the music to be a manageable challenge, they will be invited to join the Concert Band on a permanent basis.
Performance Standard: The repertoire of music for the Cowichan Valley Concert Band is fairly advanced. Most of the selections are classified as Grades 3, 4, and 5. All members of the Band should, with practice, be competent and comfortable with music at these levels of difficulty.
Attendance: All members of the Band are expected to attend all practices punctually and regularly. Practices are held at the Cowichan Secondary School Band Room from 7:30 – 9:30 on Thursday evenings while school is in session. In addition, individual sections may schedule separate rehearsals from time to time. Members are asked to inform their section leader and the president as far in advance as possible if they will be missing a scheduled practice or performance.
Practice/Preparation: In order to make practices as productive and enjoyable as possible, the Director will try to give Band members advance notice of pieces to be worked on each week. Band members will be expected to become familiar and reasonably comfortable with the pieces before the next practice. All members are responsible for ensuring that their music folders are available at all practices and performances – whether they (themselves) attend or not.
Commitment: All existing and new members of the Band (as well as the parents of youth members) are expected to meet these guidelines. New members will be provided with letters of welcome outlining these guidelines and parents of new youth members will be asked to sign and return a commitment form. All members are expected to assist with ticket sales and preparations for concerts/special performances as needed.
Development/Growth: We want to grow, both individually and collectively as musicians. Individually, members are expected to develop their expertise by working towards mastery of increasingly challenging music as well as simply enjoying playing less demanding pieces. In addition, all members are encouraged to share responsibility for various parts (1st, 2nd, 3rd etc) so that everyone becomes familiar with (and comfortable playing) as much of the music as possible. Collectively, from time-to-time the Band will attempt to recruit new members to enhance the size and performance level of the group.